A message from Pellitteri: We are excited to announce that you can now place your entire empty pizza box in your curbside recycling cart or commercial recycling dumpster. All you need to do is remove any leftover food, plastic centerpieces, or extra tissue paper.
Yard Waste Stickers are now available to purchase for the 2025 season. You may stop by the office to obtain a sticker or mail in $10 & a self addressed envelope and we will mail the sticker back to you. ***We can only accept cash or check payments at this time. Sorry for any inconvenience.
The Yard Waste Site is closed for the season. The Site is scheduled to open back up on April 3rd 2025.
In-person Absentee Voting begins Tuesday, February 04 at 8:00AM. Please call the office or click this link for more hours. In-person Absentee Voting Hours
Alliant Energy is scheduled to replace underground electric on the following town roads starting January 27th depending on weather:
- Golden Cir.
- Midway Dr.
- Skycrest Cir.
- Rinden Rd.
Click here to view the project area map
The Township of Pleasant Springs has added an area to its website that highlights the natural resources provided by the Yahara Waterway. Click above for more information about the waterway and the Town's work to preserve it.
The Town of Pleasant Springs had a study of the Stoughton Dam removal done by Emmons & Olivier Resources, Inc. Click above for more information about the proposed dam removal project.